I am a 3rd year software engineering student, although I have had a passion for robotics and programming since middle school! For example, in high school I coded autonomous programs for competitive robotics, including implementing custom computer vision algorithms. Outside of software, I work on PCB development, some fun projects such as building a can cannon, and enjoy training in martial arts.
Alberta Indoor Comfort is your One Stop Shop for All Things for Your Home, including Heating, Cooling, Indoor Air Quality, Renovations for Senior’s Accessible Living and Home Technology.
DeepRacer Calgary is a student-led initiative that strives to enable and empower individuals to learn about the applications of machine learning (ML). It is Canada’s first autonomous racing league for students. Using reinforcement learning (RL), an advanced ML technique, students will develop models to compete for the fastest lap time.
May 2021 - Present, Calgary, Alberta
The University of Calgary’s Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering Students’ Society aims to support their undergraduate students, both academically and socially, by providing them with a variety of events to enrich their University experience.
May 2022 - Present
May 2021 - May 2022
Our research focuses on the study friction, plasticity and wear at the nanoscale using atomic force microscopy (AFM). We investigate these problems on simple materials and determine the fundamental physical mechanisms by which they occur.
CalgaryToSpace works to inspire, engage and encourage the aerospace industry in our city by launching the University of Calgary’s first student-designed and constructed nano-satellite.
May 2021 - November 2021, Calgary, Alberta
AC Robotics aims to create the leaders of tomorrow by providing a safe, fun, challenging environment for youth and post-secondary students to engage with engineering.
Aktirak Corporation provides consulting services and solutions for operational/industrial data integration and automation technologies.
April 2016 - September 2018, Calgary, Alberta
Local Kid Services was a small business that provided labor services, mainly for elderly customers.
B.Sc. in Software EngineeringGPA: 3.28 out of 4Taken Courses
Extracurricular Activities
Springbank Community High School2016-2020
Alberta High School DiplomaGPA: 3.3 out of 4Extracurricular Activities
Designed the electrical circuitry for the EEG machine based on a standard 21-node placement.
For this project I coded two things. First was C++ for the Arduino Nano that received and processed EEG signals, and the second is the webserver that was hosted on an ESP8266 that displayed these signals.
Designed, built, and coded robots using metal, actuators, and prebuilt electronic control systems. Also coded in Java to do autonomous tasks and developed a custom computer vision algorithm.
I was on a project called XP1 Canis with a goal to eventually recreate Boston Dynamic’s “Spot”. My specific contribution is the PCB Board that controlled and process all the signals from the project.
Shot canned beverages out of cannon I designed and made at over 70 kilometers per hour. It not only taught me principles behind mechanical engineering, but also how to produce, film, and edit a video.
Think Positive was my team’s submission to Hack The Change 2021. It is an assessment tool that allows users to gain insight into their mental health.
Lighthouse Labs Coding Challenge was a 21-day challenge in Javascript. I programmed 21 different methods, including dealing with objects, iterations, and all foundational Javascript skills.
magpieCTF is a jeopardy-style, team-based, online CTFs/cybersecurity/hacking competition taking place over two days with thousands of dollars in cash prizes.
Fundamental data structures, including arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs. Algorithms for searching and sorting.
Key features of an object-oriented programming language, especially inheritance and polymorphism; elements of object-oriented design; programming and application of common data structures; strategies and tools for testing and debugging.
Key features of the C programming language. Pointers, memory models and memory management. Manipulation of text files and binary files.
Functions of software components such as operating systems, editors, compilers. Programming in a high-level language, selection and loop structures, routines, array and record types, text file operations.
Programed a reinforcement learning reward function for a car to race around a track.
Made a program to clean and process signals from an Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) machine to contribute to a research paper.
This is a final project for ENSF 409 offered by the University of Calgary. It is a food management system for a foodbank complete with automatically making food hampers based on household needs, connecting and updating a SQL database, and a frontend GUI.
This project is a personal project to try and make a byte pair encoder and decoder. The goal is to make long strings of text smaller by replacing long strings by shorter strings.
Made a software to automate thousands of hours of work, saving the company tens of thousands of dollars in data entry.
This code is meant to automate the process of finding peaks and valleys in AFM data and do all the needed math, turning hours or days of work into under a minute of computing.
Took hardware from a linear grease tribometer that was developed to be used in a thesis paper experiment and redid the hardware the the code to make it a rotating tribometer instead.
Designed the electrical and software needed to run an experimental setup to research faults in bearings, and see if specific vibrations can be recorded to predict not only a fault in a bearing ahead of time but also what the fault is caused by.